Confidence is one special quality a leader should have and Peter Mbah has shown to have it in surplus. His confidence is visible in his statements, speeches and countenance. Since the conclusion of election, he has been strategic, not allowing himself to be distracted by the  propaganda of the opposition especially from labour party. For every propaganda raised, he has doused with his measured actions, policy statements and calmness that overwhelms. It is apparent he is not ruffled and that gives him out as a leader that won't pander to distraction. 

Troubled by the widespread acceptance of Peter Mbah since after the announcement of his victory, the opposition, led by the estranged candidate of Labour Party, Barr Chijioke Edeoga has made it his primary job to move from one media house to another trying to disparage the election that produced Peter Ndubuisi Mbah and by so doing, condition the mind of Enugu People to see the victory of Peter Mbah as INEC enabled. This effort has so far been in futility. The propaganda is not selling and the gimmicks are falling like a pack of card as the day for swearing in draws nearer. It seems that the more he and his cohorts try to taint Peter with lies, the more he is emboldened and poised to deliver on his campaign promises as espoused in his statement of purpose. 

The unspoken anticipation of Ndi Enugu is to see Peter Mbah sworn in as the Governor come May 29th, as they are confident that the administration is coming with huge deliverables. 

Drawing conclusions from the reaction of people, Barr Peter Mbah's two significant function as Governor - Elect have been well received and that, have rekindled the hope of ndi Enugu on his incoming administration. The believe that Barr Mbah's administration will be organized and performance driven is on the minds of ndi Enugu. 

What are the significant functions, one may ask? The acceptance speech providing the clear scope and thrust of his government and the selection and inauguration of his Transition Committee. The acceptance speech was confidently delivered and bears a stamp of reality that some who had doubts started believing. Words of leaders when delivered with  sincerity and conviction have a way of building hope and belief among the led. In his acceptance speech he had assured ndi Enugu that he is in hurry to deliver good governance and build infrastructures to connect different parts of the state. He stated that he will speak resoundingly with policies of government that will give us comfort and rest of mind. This is summarily what governance is all about, considering the welfare of the people first in all policies. On Transition Committee, Barr Peter Mbah put together a 64 member committee of men and  women whose professional background is out of this world to fine tune his policy direction and articulate the developmental plans for his incoming administration. Ndi Enugu is of the view that he made the right picks and are very hopeful that this is the signal of better times ahead.

As the day to the inauguration and taking of oath of office draws nearer, there is assured level of confidence in the mind of Ndi Enugu. This is reinforced  by the posture of confidence and added focus and understanding of the task ahead which Peter Mbah has so far shown. 

(C) Pinacle
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