2023 Elections: Ugwuanyi, Nsukka Traitors And Leeches

By Geoffrey Agboeze

I have taken my time to critically and objectively assess and analyze the outcome of the 2023 elections in Enugu North Senatorial zone specifically as it concerns the failed senatorial ambition of the outgoing Enugu State Governor, Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi, and came to the logical conclusion that an average Nsukka man is internally petty, envious and vindictive, but externally timid and hypocritical. 
    It is not that Governor Ugwuanyi is above losing election, but not in the conspiratorial and vindictive manner he lost his senatorial election, despite all he did for his people of Enugu North zone, which include Nsukkanising his government and providing many infrastructure for them like never before. 
    It is on record that since 2003, Governor Ugwuanyi has never lost any election, hence some Nsukka characters, who are very envious and uncomfortable of this and his rising political profile, conspired against him, taking advantage of the Labour  Party presidential candidate, Mr. Peter Obi's presidential ambition and church's direct involvement in the bid to actualise it. 
  The conspiracy against Governor Ugwuanyi in Enugu North Senatorial zone that led to his defeat has nothing to do with his performance in office or political approaches to issues, it was because of his blunt refusal to succumb to clannish and tribal politics as championed by some Nsukka political leaders spearheading and fronting Labour Party governorship candidate and brother-in-law to the Nwodos, Bar. Chijioke Edeoga's governorship ambition. 
  It is not in doubt that  Edeoga's governorship ambition was pursued and projected on phantom Nsukka agenda, that is more embedded in the political revival and survival of moribund Nwodo political dynasty than the general interest of Nsukka people. 
   One question those that were deceived with Edeoga's governorship ambition using Nsukka phantom interest never asked is that if not Edeoga, will Nwodos have ever supported another candidate from Isi-Uzo LGA as well? 
    The Nwodos we know will not do so, because such person will not serve their selfish political interests. It is obvious that Edeoga's ambition has nothing to do with his competence, political correctness or Nsukka interest. It is about the Nwodos and their cohorts. 
    In order to legitimise Edeoga's governorship project and make it look altruistic, the promoters, mainly those who have positioned themselves to hijack and run the government had it been Edeoga won the election cajoled and lured many people from Enugu  North Senatorial zone including clergymen, youths, traders, academics, artisans, teachers, security personnel (serving and retired) people living abroad, students and others into the project.
   Campaign of calumny, castigations and hatred was purposely launched at Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi, his government, projects and senatorial ambition by the projectors and promoters of Edeoga's governorship ambition who are benefactors of Governor Ugwuanyi's magnanimity. 
    Their plank of campaign was that Governor Ugwuanyi sold the governorship ticket to Bar. Peter Ndubuisi Mbah for 2bn after deceiving and dribbling Ndi Nsukka and refused to support Edeoga's governorship ambition.
    To the shock and disappointment of many,  a former Minister, former President of Ohaneze Ndigbo and brother- in- law to Edeoga, Chief John Nnia Nwodo jnr who had vowed before now not to participate in partisan politics again was seen in a viral video before the election addressing some people in Igbo-Etiti  LGA alleging that Governor Ugwuanyi had after discussions with them to support Edeoga, sold the governorship ticket to Ndi Nkanu for N2bn. 
  To ensure that their campaign of calumny against Governor Ugwuanyi was assimilated by the people of Enugu North Senatorial zone, they even went diabolical and hypotenised the people especially at the grassroots with blatant  lies and propaganda. That was how the conspiracy and gang-ups against Governor Ugwuanyi multiplied and escalated. Many people of Enugu  North zone unknowingly bought into the fallacy. 
   Lending credence to the Nwodos' political project called Edeoga's govenorship ambition were Catholic priests like Rev. Fr. Dennis Attah,  Rev. Fr. Ben Agbo and others who became official spokesmen and media goons of Nsukka labourers against Governor Ugwuanyi and his government.         
    They fabricated and published useless and unsolicited open letters against Governor Ugwuanyi, portraying him as an anti-Nsukka leader. Many other priests worked covertly and overtly against Governor Ugwuanyi in line with the  dictates of those behind Bar. Edeoga's governorship ambition and against  Governor Ugwuanyi's senatorial ambition, but hid under Obi's presidential ambition to execute it.
   That was how Labour Party symbol became church bulletin across churches. Even people who were appointees of Governor Ugwuanyi and his close associates, especially from Enugu  North zone, bought into Edeoga's governorship ambition using Obi's presidential ambition as a cover up without Governor Ugwuanyi's knowledge. 
   Engaging them in discussions before the elections, some pretentiously indicated that they will vote Obi in presidential election and vote PDP in the National Assembly elections. This was their ploy to get at Governor Ugwuanyi, but will pretentiously argue that Igbo must produce President in the person of Mr. Obi. 
   Even though their actions amounted to anti-party and divided loyalty, they  never cared because they believed strongly that Mr. Obi will win the presidential election, and Edeoga will win the governorship election. 
  At the polls, while voting for Mr. Obi, they voted for Labour Party candidates for National Assembly elections. There were cases where government appointees and Peoples Democratic Party members and supporters were seen along Catholic priests canvassing for votes for Labour Party candidates across polling units. They were cases where government appointees used PDP election logistics to deliver candidates of Labour Party without being remorseful. 
   The conspiracies against Governor Ugwuanyi and PDP across the Enugu North Senatorial zone were shocking and unprecedented. It was better imagined than experienced. 
  With Governor Ugwuanyi's loss of senatorial election and PDP's loss in the National Assembly elections in Enugu North Senatorial zone, the moles, saboteurs and leeches in PDP and Governor Ugwuanyi's government masquerading as party faithful and loyalists became so emboldened and daring in their doublestanding and conspiracies. 
   Many of them started attending nocturnal meetings called by the Chief Projector of Edeoga's governorship ambition, Chief John Nnia Nwodo. Many of them donated millions of Naira after getting worthless and fake promises of appointments and contracts with assurances that Edeoga's governorship ambition was a done deal, considering the outcome of the National Assembly elections in the zone. Those who betrayed Governor Ugwuanyi include some Commissioners, Chairmen of local governments, heads of agencies, parastatals, departments, party stakeholders, members, clergymen, and youths. 
     Nothing informed their treachery against Governor Ugwuanyi and PDP except envy, insatiablity, and greed. They believed that with Governor Ugwuanyi's loss, he would be irrelevant politically and with Bar. Edeoga's victory, they will align with him to continue to be relevant, having supported and worked for his victory surreptitiously. 
   Some of these traitors and leeches couldn't have been anything meaningful politically, if not for Governor Ugwuanyi's benevolence and magnanimity. Many of them were given what they do not deserve amidst oppositions and criticisms, but Governor Ugwuanyi stood strongly for them. Others have been wrecked politically and have been in political hibernation before Governor Ugwuanyi rescued and gave them a lifeline.
    Not many of them used their positions to advance Governor Ugwuanyi's cause and that of his government before the elections. Their only major interest is what they will grab from the government for selfish use. They are incompetent, too vindictive, and envious. They are more of snakeholders who masquerade as stakeholders. They are shameless, lack conscience, and strength of character. 
    Even after betraying and backstabbing Governor Ugwuanyi, with the hope that Edeoga will win the governorship election, these traitors are still sycophantly visiting Governor Ugwuanyi and Bar. Peter Mbah and organising merriments over Mbah's victory. 


For those who conspired and truncated Governor Ugwuanyi's senatorial ambition, the downfall of a man is not the end of his life. Dry bone shall rise again as quickly as possible.
   The maturity, stoicism and equanimity of which Governor Ugwuanyi handled and still handling the political conspiracy, betrayal and treachery against him is topnotch, exemplary and unprecedented. He has remained undaunted and friendly and at same time continue to execute people-oriented projects especially in Enugu North Senatorial zone even at the twilight of his administration. 
  Governor Ugwuanyi's sterling performance and good deeds to people especially the people of Enugu North can never be his undoing politically. 
  Governor Ugwuanyi's loss of his Senatorial bid does not vitiate the fact that he is a Governor of many firsts and the best leader Enugu North Senatorial zone has ever produced. 
 It does not erase the fact that Governor Ugwuanyi is the first governor or leader to construct dual carriage roads adorned with streetlights in the Enugu North Senatorial zone. Check Opi/ Nsukka road. Governor Ugwuanyi is the first to establish a new University in Enugu State and Enugu North Senatorial zone. Check SUMAS Igbo Eno, Nsukka.  
   Governor Ugwuanyi is the first Governor to construct a flyover in Enugu state. Check Abakpa flyover. 
    Governor Ugwuanyi is the first Governor in Enugu State to establish Forest Guard, constructed and equipped five new fire service stations across the state. 
    He is the first Governor to recruit 5000 primary school teachers, 2000 secondary teachers and constructed more than 15000 secondary and primary school blocks. 
   Governor Ugwuanyi is the most tolerant and peaceful Governor Enugu state ever had. Governor Ugwuanyi is the first politician from Enugu North Senatorial zone who was in the House of Representatives for 12 years and became Governor for eight years. These records and monumental achievements of Governor Ugwuanyi can not be easily erased by the leeches and conspirators.   
    Unfortunately for these traitors and sycophants, neither Mr. Obi nor Bar. Edeoga won the elections. Again, the so-called Labour Party managed to win only paltry 8 seats out of 109 seats in the Senate. 
  So of what political impact was all the hullabaloo about Labour Party and conspiracy against Governor Ugwuanyi and PDP in Enugu North Senatorial zone and beyond? 
    Meanwhile, when will those who have been unfairly critical and envious of Governor Ugwuanyi and conspired against him in the election, especially from the Enugu North Senatorial zone, show us their own scorecards in public offices? We are aware that among them were former Minister, former Governor, former commissioners, former Senators, former this, former that and others. 
  Governor Ugwuanyi's achievements across the state are staring at us. It is tangible, visible, and tangible.
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