By Mark Eze
Obviously and undoubtedly, it is not hyperbolic to say that November, 1, 2024 marked the beginning of new dawn in the Institute of Management and Technology IMT, Enugu. Yes it was because that was the day Professor Gozie S. Ogbodo, a renowned academic lawyer assumed office as the substantive Rector of the Institute.
A trained lawyer up to doctorate degree level at the Golden Gate University School of Law, United States, Professor Gozie Ogbodo is a renowned legal researcher, teacher and publisher with expertise in Environmental and Energy Law.
He has many years of immeasurable experience from the Faculty of Law University of Benin, to Godfrey Okoye University, Enugu where he served both as Dean, Faculty of Law and Deputy Vice Chancellor Administration before his appointment as Rector of IMT Enugu..
In less than two months as the Rector of the Institute, he has shown capacity as a pragmatic leader. One thing that pragmatic leaders are known for is that they don’t waste time. They know when to say no and when to say yes. They don’t let emotions becloud their sense of judgment. They are decisive, proactive, assertive and focused. No procrastination. They work smart, not hard. Not trying to please everyone all the time. They do what needs to be done. Giving up easily is not a choice. They keep going until they succeed. Gossip isn’t allowed. They don’t spread rumors. They speak only the truth. No blaming on others. They own their mistakes. They don’t complain. They solve problems. No whining. They accept responsibility. That is Prof. Gozie S. Ogbodo for you.
First, was the facility tours of all the entire Institute taking stock of existing infrastructure with emphasis on gaps. This exercise according to him offers him first hand opportunity to look at what exists, the opportunities available and importantly, the gaps. It is the gaps that will determine my areas of intervention and focus. This is a new dawn and I will not let anything to chance. We must get it right and therefore, must ensure that correct things are done. In the cause of this tour he declared a state of emergency on all academic programmes and insists that all must be subjected to fresh accreditation, re-accreditation and resource inspection processes.
Like the doctors, we can’t afford to administer expired drugs. Running expired programmes is like administering expired drugs, he insists.
"In this New Testament IMT, the welfare of staff is my cardinal responsibility and must be attended to with dispatch. Management will address all arrears of promotions. For me, a motivated workforce is a productive workforce. Therefore, anything that will make our staff more productive and dedicated will be provided. It is on this note that Management will address all infrastructural challenges that guarantee better working environment.
In line with the current realities in Enugu State. The Institute of Management and Technology IMT, Enugu, must be at the forefront in driving the innovative ideas of His Excellency, Governor Peter Ndubisi Mba through teaching of science and technology. As a foremost School of Technology, IMT, Enugu must provide the technical knowledge and skills that will be needed to move Enugu State forward. With our Industrial Centre, nothing stops us from becoming a hub for technical skill acquisition and learning in areas of welding, foundry, carpentry, masonry and tiling. Therefore, we need a properly motivated and dedicated workforce to be able to do this.
" However, Management under my watch is not going to tolerate extortion, sorting, sexual harassment and all kinds of indiscipline by both staff and students. Staff and students must do things right. On the issue of sorting, both staff and students must be dealt with. It is a two-way thing, the person who offers the bribe and the one who receives it, are guilty of the same offense.
"Starting from January, 2025, all IMT students must be on their departmental uniforms. That way, we will know who our students are. Any student that refuses to do so, must not be attended to by any staff of the Institute. We need a disciplined workforce to be able to restore our lost glory. We need our name on the map again. The Institute needs to occupy its position as the first in everything.
Realizing this target is not going to be easy. Both human and material resources will be needed. Already, the Institute has human resources gap that is quite threatening in some departments but Management under my watch must address that. We are about to face accreditation and re-accreditation and so, we need to get the right people in these departments.
"Touring the Institute has also exposed me to quite a number opportunities that we can exploit to generate revenue for ourselves and my target is to use our directorate and departments to increase our IGR. Within this short period, the Institute has entered into an Agreement with the DEWDROP Institute, to be able to raise new breeds of highly skilled and efficient professional workforce for Homes, Health & Social Care, and the Hospitality Industry. DEWDROP is an Accredited Vocational Institute by City & Guilds International, United Kingdom. With this, IMT, Enugu will raise skilled men and women with City and Guild certification to work in hospitality industry in Enugu State and beyond."
Prof. Ogbodo also promised to liaise with the Alumni Association to enhance the revenue base of the Institute. He describe IMT, Enugu as a father to number of distinguished Nigerians who have made it in life and who are capable of giving back to the Institution that helped to mold them. Most graduates of this Institute occupy sensitive positions in a number of premier institutions in Nigeria, Prof Ogbodo noted. We will reach out to them for sponsorship, collaboration and partnership in every area.
In all of this, Prof. Ogbodo extoled Dr. Emeka Patrick Ejim who within the period of four months as Acting Rector came up with revolutionary ideas that brought a lot of changes in the Institute. According to the new Rector, Dr Ejim’s spirit of hard work and dexterity is evidence in a number of things he was able to achieve within the short period as Acting Rector. He advised that staff should not bother causing division because Dr. Emeka Ejim is someone he has made up his mind to work with.
In furtherance to his promise to attend to staff welfare, the Rector had during the staff forum in December 18, 2024 announced the release of 2022/2023 arrears of promotion to the surprise of every staff of the Institute. This was the first ever meeting the Rector had with the staff of the Institute.
According to the Rector, this is a good way to end the year. He charged staff to get prepared for the 2025 so that they will discharge their responsibility with all the energy and seriousness in them. He called on them to avoid indiscipline as no staff will be spared in the coming year if found guilty of any offense.
In an inter denominational service to begin the new year, Prof. Gozie Ogbodo described the year 2025 as a year of new opportunities to serve God through what we do in the Institute. He encourage staff of IMT, Enugu to adjust their attitude and behavior to fit into the dreams of the new dispensation and season in IMT. He emphasized that his appointment as the Rector of the Institute is to manage the contractual relationship between the staff and the Government of Enugu State as an impartial Arbiter.
A monitoring team has already been set up by the Rector to ensure that IMT, Enugu regains its place in the quality assurance map amongst the league of the tertiary institutions in Nigeria.