According of one of our great Philosophers, Aristotle, "Every man is an embodiment of thought-patern, mindset, insight and imagination which reflect in his words and actions". 

The mindset of a man is one of the factors that determines his altitude and achievements.

The same mindset of a political leader also determines the impact he will make in his administration. It is based on the above that I was inspired to inform electorates about the leadership mindset and track records of the PDP Chairmanship Candidate of Uzo-Uwani Local Government Area, Chief Hon. Barr. Chijioke Joseph Ezugwu in order for the masses to make wise decision on 21st September, 2024, the day set aside for Enugu State Local Government Elections.

The great leadership icon was born on 25th May, 1978 to the legendary family of Chief Omaba Idu of Enugu-Amidi in Amidi Village of Nkpologu in Uzo-Uwani Local Government Area of Enugu State.

In his quest to broaden his intellectual horizon and as an education enthusiast, Chijioke Ezugwu passed through several institutions of learning such as the famous St. Theresa's College (STC) Nsukka, Enugu State University of Science and Technology, (ESUT), where read Law

Nigerian Law School, Abuja, and was subsequently called to the Nigerian Bar in 2007.

He is a holder of Bachelor of Law Degrees, LLB, BL, and currently doing his Masters degree in Law, and other professional certifications.

He has demonstrated visionary leadership as the former Youth Leader, PDP, Uzo-Uwani Local Government Area between 1999-2011,

Councillor Representing Nkpologu Ward in Uzo-Uwani Local Government Legislative Council, 2011-2013,

Assistant Secretary General of Nkpologu Town Union in 2010,

Chairman, Ejona-Nkpologu General Assembly in 2017,

Two Term Supervisor in Uzo-Uwani Local Government Council in 2022.

In the course of our discussion with some the former Chairmen he had worked with, they extolled the good quality of Barr. Chijioke Ezugwu, according to them that leadership of Uzo-Uwani fits him at this insecurity challenges that has bedeviled our Local Government Council. 

They thanked the Governor of Enugu State, Dr. Peter Ndubuisi Mbah, for endorsement of Chijioke Ezugwu as the PDP Chairmanship Candidate for Uzo-Uwani Local Government Area, they further promised that against all odds, that he will conquered many challenges to establish a digital Uzo-Uwani Local Government Council of our great grand father's dream, under his watch as the Executive Chairman of Uzo-Uwani Local Government Area.

"The story behind his emergence is about security challenges in Uzo-Uwani which His Excellency, the Governor, continued searching for who can tackle it, with Chijioke Ezugwu as the Executive Chairman we believe the security challenges in Uzo-Uwani Local Government Area had already started walking away from the Council areas.

"Because he has started by marching words with actions in insecurity control.

"Under his watch as the Liaison Officer to the former Governor of Enugu State on Security Affairs, he had then launched a Youth Security Empowerment Trust Fund in 2018, under one of the former Chairmen of Uzo-Uwani Local Government Council and charged with the responsibility to eliminate, kidnappers, cultism and insecurity of any type in Uzo-Uwani Local Government Area.

"It was based on the above that His Royal Highness,Igwe SJ Idu, the Nnanyelugo of Nkpologu Town, on his maiden Ofala festival in 2019, conferred on Barr. Chijioke Ezugwu with the traditional title of Agunecheibe of Nkpologu-Attah.

Chief Hon. Barr. Chijioke Joseph Ezugwu that I know is also a philanthropist and passionate about touching the lives of people in the society.

Barr. Chijioke Ezugwu I know is resilient. He does not allow adversity or challenges to shape his future. He sees failure as temporal defeat. He believes that every adversity, every failure, carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit. He has strong faith in the biblical admonition of Habakuk 2:3-4 which says; 

“For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it, because it will surely come, it will not tarry.”

He demonstrated his resilient spirit within his 15 years of seeking for elective position. He had contested for this particular seat in 2022. 

Though all his efforts proved abortive but he did not give up. He did not allow disappointment or failure to win election deter him from aspiring to serve humanity. He remained focused and determined to actualize his goals.

Barr. Chijioke Ezugwu that I know made some statements during his consultation tour for the chairmanship seat that reinforced my conviction in his visionary leadership capacity.

While addressing Uzo-Uwani PDP Executive Officers, he said; “We anchored our local campaign policy trust on consolidation of the past gains and bridging the gaps for the future to establish a nexus for our brighter generations yet unborn, and cast our footprints for the overall development of our dear Uzo-Uwani Local Government Area of our forefathers dream.”

He also noted that he had enunciated a 4-point agenda; 

Social services, 

Security services, 

Social amenities, and Roads rehailitations.

Moreover, while delivering his acceptance speech on 14th August 2024 after emerging as the PDP Chairmanship Candidate, he affairmed that it is good to build great works, but it is far better to build great people because great people will in turn build greater works.

I am optimistic that he will translate the aforementioned statements into reality if voted into office as the Executive Chairman of Uzo-Uwani Local Government Area. 

Barr. Chijioke Ezugwu that I know will consolidate the good governance of Hon. Chukwudi Celestine Nnadozie, immediate past Executive Chairman of Uzo-Uwani Local Government Area. He will widen the arc of dividends of democracy in the council area with security in focus.

The political atmosphere in Uzo-Uwani Local Government Area is already charged with the mantra of “Divine Mandate, Prayer Answered”.


"Behold the Possibilities” in line with the vision of Barr. Chijioke Ezugwu I know he will not disappoint the electorates because he has a proven track record of integrity, competence, vision, capacity, selfless service, uncommon determination, tenacity and administrative prowess.

In light of the above, I want to call on the people of Uzo-Uwani Local Government Area, Stakeholders, Friends and well-wishers come and support Barr. Chijioke Ezugwu for fund raising for campaign to give him maximum support because he will make Uzo-Uwani great through his transformation agenda in alignment with Gov. Peter Mbah’s innovative leadership.

Come 21st September, 2024, Enugu State Local Government Elections day, will indeed mark a New Beginning in Uzo-Uwani Local Government Area. 

Therefore let us vote wisely by voting for PDP.

Truly! Truly!! With God, Our Tomorrow is Here.

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