Bishop Chinedu Nwoye: 

People fret when they see their determined enemies advance in their plots to tarnish their hard earned reputation - to undermine their progress.

The mystery of grace is that it seems powerless when wicked men tear the reputation of innocent people like old, worthless rags with gossips and malicious words.  

Surprisingly while the wicked rejoice in the euphoria of seeming temporary victory, grace goes to work at night to  make a new garment of praise for the innocent. Grace clothes the innocent in the morning with goodness and mercy  so that scriptures can be fulfilled. His mercies are new every morning..

Eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, neither has it entered the hearts of men what God has prepared for those who love Him. To enjoy grace, Love God with all your heart and all your soul.

Grace makes us victors through Christ Jesus not victims


God never sleeps or slumbers. He will turn things in your favor.

Indeed they shall gather but not by Gods permission, so they shall utterly fall and be dismayed.

They shall fall into their own traps and self destruct while you watch. 


2 Timothy 1:7 NLT


 For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.


Like the venomous snake, the evil man masks himself & his real intentions till he gives mortal wound to the innocent 

Oh God in Your mercy, vindicate me.

In Your righteous anger, expose the evil, disgrace them, displace them and cause their wicked schemes to come upon themselves for You Oh Lord are daily angry with the wicked. Psalms 7:11

God reigns in the affairs of men

Good morning.

Bishop Chinedu Nwoye

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