GREAT OKEKE, THE ANSEL ADAMS AND PLATON OF OUR TIME: Birthday Anniversary To Gov. Mbah's personal photographer

Ansel Adams was the most important American landscape photographer of the 20th century. He might also be the most widely known and respected of all American photographers, whose legend continues through books and television documentaries, and through the prevalent reproduction of his work on calendars, posters, postcards and other ephemera.

Like ansel, platon has photographed many well known leaders. Bill Clinton was the first president that he worked with and photographed. Other photographs of well known leaders include Donald Trump, Muammar al Qaddafi, Barack Obama, George W. Bush, and Muhammad Ali. 

Great Okeke is hard working, pays attention to details and optimally gives out quality productivity to the image of the lion and the chief executive officer of enugu state. Dr. Peter Mbah. Great's output is so illuminating and extremely extraordinary that senior government functionaries and also those outside the corridors of power baptised him with the name of one of the greatest photographer called "Ansel Adams while people like myself name tagged him the 'platon of our time due to his alacrity and panache. 

You have created a portfolio and you have shown who you're and what your style is. You don't rush to do half job, you have created a portfolio that stands out from the rest. While keeping to your style and who you are.

Great okeke, yes you deserve every whistling that you get. I am delighted to join the host of God’s angels, your family, friends, colleagues and well-wishers to thank the Lord for his goodness, grace and mercy in granting you another year. Your new year shall be healthy, fruitful fulfilling, prosperous and glorious. 

On this August in November day of your life, i want to you to know that your hardwork are seen, your dedication is conspicuously noted and i will continue to give you your flowers. 

I wish you all the happiness your soul can grasps, and all the exultation and the favor this life can bring forth for you. 

Congratulations to you and happy birthday Anniversary the Ansel Adams and platon of our time. Greater opportunities await you for the world is waiting to hear your visual stories. 

Yours truly,

Nnamani Arinze Darlington

A political analyst and a social commentator writes from Enugu.

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