The Hallmark Of DR. MRS FAVOUR UGWUANYI’s Leadership Disposition is a Deep Sense of Humility and a Flaming Hunger to Serve.

Ogene Romanus 

There is a woman who stands tall as an incredibly phenomenal woman who has dedicated her entire life to the service of God and humanity both in professional capacities  and on personal levels as a devout Christian with an uncommon commitment to the task of propagating  the gospel. She is Dr. Mrs. Favour Ugwuanyi, Chairman of the Post Primary School Management board (PPSMB), an outstanding Nigerian woman whose life has remained an inspiration. Her life's  journey to the position of Chairman of PPSMB has been one of hard work, determination, and perseverance making her a role model for young women everywhere who aspire to reach the heights of success.

Mrs. Ugwuanyi began her career in education as a classroom teacher, and over the years, she rose through the ranks to become the permanent secretary of the PPSMB. Her uncommon commitment to duty as a permanent secretary was what spurred the Governor to appoint her as the chairman of the board. This organic ascension is a testament to her dedication, her hard work, and her ability to lead effectively. Throughout her career, she has shown a deep commitment to upholding and sustaining qualitative Education in Enugu, a lifelong commitment that she has worked tirelessly to uphold.

Mrs. Ugwuanyi's commitment to excellence is evident in every aspect of her work. As the Chairman of The Enugu State Post Primary School Management Board PPSMB, she has implemented a number of policies and initiatives that have had a positive impact on the education system in Enugu State. She has worked to improve the quality of teaching and learning in the state's schools introducing new programs and initiatives that have helped to make education more accessible to all.

Mrs. Favour  Ugwuanyi comes across as a mother that her leadership approach projects a deep sense of empathy and compassion that bares on those she serves. A lifelong champion for the rights of students and teachers. She has in her fingertips years of experience and a keen understanding of the challenges facing the education system in Enugu State. Little wonder she has been proactive in finding solutions.

As an evangelist of God, she is a true embodiment of the Christian faith, a woman of great convictions with an unwavering belief in the power of God. Countlessly utilising her leadership platforms to promote the values of kindness, love, compassion, and forgiveness.

It is therefore troubling that despite her many virtues, attributes, and accomplishments, she has been the subject of some biased insinuations that she is a high-handed leader. However, these insinuations are far withdrawn from the truth. Mrs. Ugwuanyi is a leader who values collaboration and teamwork, with  an incredibly curious  willingness to listen to the views and opinions of others. She understands that true leadership is not about dictating terms but about working together to achieve common goals. 

The Hallmark of Mrs. Favour Ugwuanyi's leadership disposition is a deep sense of humility and a flaming hunger to serve. Permanently wearing an approachable demeanor, she runs an open door leadership that utilises a boss-subordinate feedback mechanism to ensure  openness and transparency.

The drastic reduction of social vices among young persons in the secondary schools such as cultism, vandalism, drug abuse, rape, suicide and other anti-social behaviours (ASB) like theft, physical and verbal aggression, bullying fight and alcoholism through the instrumentality of Dr. Favour Ugwuanyi’s transformative mechanisms and intellectual properties a doctor of philosophy and an ordained woman of God has continued to be praised by all.

In furtherance of her vow to completely curb immoralities and instill good morals in children, adolescents and young teenagers, she has employed mentorship, prayers and counselling in shaping them to leaders of tomorrow, while equipping them with sustainable mental skills required to scale through modern challenges. A virtue and qualities someone with overbearing and arbitrariness will never posses.

The "ON THE SPOT CHECK" she introduced aimed at tracking the activities of secondary school managements, teachers and students through unscheduled visits at every school to ascertain the level of orderliness and deter maladministration and curruption, has to a great extent, effectively aided the implementation of Public Service Excellence (PSE) in secondary schools in Enugu State.

Dr. Mrs Favour Ugwuanyi has remained a force to be reckoned with and a strong  voice for women, which is also evident in her responsiveness in championing ideas that protect women's rights, suppress gender-based inequalities and promote women inclusion in governance.
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