Nkanu East LGA Celebrates Mayor, Hon. Sydney Okechukwu Edeh, As he Turns a Year Older Today

The people of Nkanu East Local Government Council in Enugu State appreciated God for blessing them with a good leader, in the person of Hon. Sydney Okechukwu Edeh, the mayor of their council as he marked his birth anniversary today. The birthday felicitation message and prayer are contained in a statement signed by Mr Ability Chukwuemeka Mbah, for the youths and good people of Nkanu East LGA.

"When the Israelites were down, God gave them Moses to start the journey to the promise land. Before the coming of Jesus Christ for the salvation of man, God sent John the Baptist to go before him as a forerunner"

"Today, the people of Nkanu East celebrate our own forerunner; who spearheaded the political revival of the people. While the storm was raging heavily, he stood strong like the rock of Gibraltar. He passed Arnold Glasow test of leadership, which is the ability to recognise a problem before it becomes an emergency"

"Happy birthday to the Executive Chairman of Nkanu East LGA, Hon Sydney Okechukwu Edeh. A man with strong appetite for respectful conduct. His pursuit of liberty for his people is extreme. His character in and outside power has remained the same!"

"May God who has brought you this far, take you to the next destination. May your dreams and aspirations for this new year come to fulfillment, Amen!"

Happy Birthday to Nkanu East Mayor!


Mr. Ability Chukwuemeka Mbah
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