By Prince Ugochukwu Nwanjoku 

Victory, they say, is sweeter when it is a product of a hard fight. Of course, there is no victory that could be sweet as the one that has the phrase "Against all odds' accompanying it. No doubt this phrase aptly describes the eventual victory of our Governor elect, Dr. Peter Ndubuisi Mbah who emerged victorious in Enugu latest governorship election in spite of all the obstacles placed on his way by his detractors and fake friends alike; chiefs amongst which are unprecedented cash crunch and fuel scarcity aimed at making his emergence as governor impossible.

How can we forget also in a hurry all the pre-gubernatorial election plots, shenanigans, character assassinations and other negative campaigns of calumny exhibited against Dr. Mbah; as if he snatched their wives or stole their goats? But against all odds, the enigmatic politician, industrialist, entrepreneur and great investor crossed the river and laughed last. And he, who laughs last, surely laughs best, as the saying goes.

In fact, no victory can be sweeter than this. For in the words of Thomas Pain; "The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph". This is why Dr. Mbah deserves a thumbs-up for emerging victorious in the most keenly contested gubernatorial election in the history of our state; amidst all the vicious attacks against his personage.

There are lessons to learn from Dr. Peter Ndubuisi Mbah's victory; especially for the youths who aspire to be great in life. Lessons of hard-work, determination, perseverance, self-confidence, selflessness, fearlessness, faith and most important, investment in people are to be mentioned here. The Governor elect had for years imbibed the culture of hard-work and this has made success possible for him in all ramifications viz; professional career, family life, business and political contests. Mbah is a young man that denies himself of many pleasures working while others have gone to sleep. This cerebral personality is not only hard-working, he combines hard-work with the aforementioned qualities.

He is determined, focused, persevering, self-confident, selfless, faithful and passionately believes in developing people. All these attributes combined, culminated in his recent electoral success. A determined person can move mountain while "perseverance is the key to success in any endeavour; what is more? Amongst the aforementioned attributes that also worked for Mbah in the last gubernatorial election is selflessness. The Governor elect isn't a selfish leader. Any leader who is not selfish will naturally command large followership. Not by coercion but by the conviction people have in his charismatic leadership. Dr. Peter Mbah is also a man of faith. He is always faithful to his beliefs. Faith, according to William Hazlitt, "is necessary to victory; if you think you can win". Students of political history cannot also forget the "Yes We Can" slogan of former President Barrack Obama of the United States. He said so and he succeeded as American President. Thus a fortiori faith is also a sine qua non for success in life struggles. If you believe you can you will definitely secure victory.

Chief of all the factors that aided Mbah's victory is his strong belief in human capital development'. Dr. Peter Mbah has invested heavily in people. He has lifted many people up and assisted them to attain their dreams; either in business or politics. Many who could never have become anything in life; especially in the field of entrepreneurship, have been assisted to the top by the governor elect. Unlike many selfish politicians whose philosophy is; Me, Myself and I; this isn't Mbah's ideology.

Mbah's own ideology is to teach how to catch fish but not just giving them fish. This is the Hallmark of a charismatic leader. Of course, our society would be better and poverty reduced to the barest minimum if we had many of Mbah's like in the society. One prays and hope he will continue toeing this path of compassion as soon as he is sworn in as governor.

Dr. Peter Mbah should hit the ground running immediately he is sworn in as the governor. People's expectations are high and he should endeavour to meet up to expectations. Given his antecedent of credible performance in the private sector and the doggedness he does display towards achieving his goals, there is no doubting the fact that he will take Enugu State to an enviable position by restoring her glory as the capital of the old Eastern region it has used to be known for. Being a man with knack for picking capable hands, he is expected to pick capable team just like he did in the private sector while building his business umpire the (Pinnacle Oil and Gas Limited). May God help him to succeed in the task ahead, Amen.

I therefore, uses this medium to join millions of people across the length and breadth of Enugu and beyond to say congratulations to Mr. Governor elect while also wishing him a successful tenure of office, Amen.

Indeed, #TomorrowIsHere.
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