Chijioke Edeoga's Media Rascality and the Desecration of Religious Institutions.

By Eze Nwamadi, Ogbonna Asadu and Ezema Igwenunu 

It is understood expectedly that after elections whatever negative instruments demployed to undo the opponents are dropped and done away with to pave way for reconciliation and healing processes in the interest of the state. Peter Ndubuisi Mbah, the governor-elect of Enugu State, has this understanding when he extended hand of fellowship to those against whom he had contested the governorship. In his acceptance speech, he called them "my colleagues" and during his receipt of certificate of return, he called them "my brothers'. Peter called them to join him in the onerous task of moving the state to higher pedestals. He extended the olive branch to them, and sounded conciliatory, a good sign of enough magnanimity in victory.

  Chijioke Edeoga Edeoga, the Labour Party candidate in the election who failed at the polls, on the other hand, appears irreconcilably disconsolate, immature, and lacking in the spirit of sportsmanship, even when it is clear he was defeated in the race. Edeoga has gone back to his ways of playing politics with bitterness. It really does not matter to him how he does it, even when he blasphemously reviles at hallowed institutions like the church and its clergy. Edeoga does not give a damn.

 During the electioneering process, even from the build up to the primaries, Edeoga had adopted a dangerous pattern of campaigns of calumny founded on cooked-up  damaging stories against his opponents. Edeoga was behind all the false allegations against Peter Mbah, ranging from claims of EFCC and FBI coming after Peter to Ego Ndi Enugu and NYSC certificate forgery. All these lies led Edeoga to nowhere. He had attacked other candidates in similar ways, including his own brother from Eha-Amufu, the renowned professor, Hillary Edeoga, whom he called a fertilizer thief. He attacked Barth Nnaji, Odengene, Chinyeaka Oha, Ifeanyi Ossai, Vita Abba, name them. 

It was not as though Edeoga was a saint. While pointing a finger at everyone, four fingers pointed at him. His 2 billion naira fraud perpetrated on the 17 local government councils in Enugu, using his LG News Magazine is a huge stigma hanging loose on his neck. His alleged bisexuality, doubtful origin and parentage, and all manner of vices he has yet to clear. Yet he would dare to cook up stories against his opponents and direct his media urchins to circulate them on the social media. Chijioke Edeoga is a criminal, and he has even overstepped his bounds, scamming religious bodies and institutions(See our essay on "Why the Church Should Beware of Chijioke Edeoga").

There is no limit to Edeoga's unconscionable affronts on the church. He insulted Archbishop Emmanuel Chukwuma, Bishop Godfrey Onah, Bishop Olinya and scammed Fr. Ejike Mbaka who cursed him in return. After failing at the governorship polls, Edeoga said he was going to court to reclaim his "stolen mandate"( laughter). That is within his rights to go to court, as Peter is waiting for him there with enough forensic evidence. Edeoga has resorted to media rascality yet again, concocting lies with a view to sway public opinion to his side and curry sympathy and unfounded sentiments. He has yet again let loose his raving mad dogs, barking everywhere on social media, instead of filing his matter before the Election Petition Tribunal.

Edeoga's latest fancy is his creation of a nonexistent religious body he called South Eastern Zone of the Network of Evangelical Bishops of Nigeria (NEBN). Edeoga then wrote that the said body of nonexistent bishops condemned the result of the Enugu governorship election. He also made sure some gullible section of the media published the fake story. There is no such body of bishops anywhere in the world, as investigation has shown. The name is fictitious, if mischievous. Edeoga and his rascally media team generated the fiction. The intention of such spurious bunkum was to bias the mind of the people against the incoming administration of Barr. Peter Ndubuisi Mbah, de-legitimatize it, and curry sympathy and unfounded sentiments. One therefore wonders why Edeoga should leave filing his case for  unnecessary media sensationalism and vile propaganda meant to deceive the public. Has it come to such lies? Why is Edeoga so desperate about foisting his clueless self on Enugu seat of power, when the people have on clear terms given their mandate to Peter Ndubuisi Mbah? Why do the heathen rage and imagine vain things? Must Edeoga resort to make-believe shenanigans and childish sophistry? Chijioke has continued to assure the people he is not a governorship material in the first place. He is childish, vindictive, stubborn, irrational and silly. He knows the right thing to do, but chooses to pursue shadows. It is a shame!

The general public is hereby pointed to Edeoga's unseemly scheming and show of shame. Even if the said bishops (We are now in the era of fake bishops. Ask the APC.) condemned the result, are they the courts to determine the matter? Let someone lend sense to Chijioke and his accomplices.This media rascality can still not help him. No one should ever take him seriously. This act of his is a clear sign of his fraudulent disposition. His attempts to distract Peter with fake stories failed on arrival. Ndubuisi Mbah is poised to hit the ground running as soon as he is sworn in on 29th May, 2023 to the delight of Ndi Enugu. Tomorrow indeed is here.
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