By Ugwuagbo Emmanuel Chizoba

It has always been my pleasure to keep quiet about Enugu Guber Elections and remain neutral.

However, when a lie such as being paraded that Pinnacle oil was established with Enugu People's money is allowed to thrive, those of us that have suffered for years to build small scale businesses into companies and hopes they grow into big companies in future might wake up to see our sweat being made mockery of by individuals who know nothing about the corporate world.

The tragedy of the social media era is that socio economic and socio political issues are being analyzed by individuals who know next to nothing about the subject matter in discourse. Individuals who are neither widely read nor experienced in any field at all, most of them, undergraduates with backlog of carryovers, turn out overnight to become experts in fields they know nothing about.

So, they resort to making bogus claims and unfounded insinuations, some of which includes that Pinnacle Oil was founded by  Ego Ndi Enugu. A lie that has no place other than the pit of hell.

In the corporate world, companies are not necessarily owned by the CEO or founder. Rather, it is primarily run by the CEO who makes day to day decisions and is incharge of the general running of the company.

The CEO can be likened to the Governor of a State. The governor is not the owner of the state, but he runs the affairs of the state. The owner of the state are the people, ably represented by the Legislators, who are tasked with deciding who becomes the CEO, and also approve important decisions of the CEO.

In the case of a company, the owners are the shareholders, ably represented by the board members. The board members are known as the board of Directors and they're the ones that the CEO answers to. They're the top owners of the Company.

What the founder does is the he is the owner of the idea. He calls people together and sell the idea to them. These people if convinced, will then invest in his idea. They become shareholders. It's with the money they invested in the idea that the company will be established and run with.

In the case of Pinnacle Oil, Mr. Peter Mba is merely the Founder, whom the board of Directors chose to make the CEO so he can run the affairs of the Company. He has since grown the company to enviable status, to the joy of the real owners.

Below are the board members of Pinnacle Oil and Gas, representing the real owners (the shareholders);

The Board of Directors

1. Alhaji Nasiru Ado Bayero. (Chairman)
2. Peter Mbah. (CEO)
3. Bob Dickerman. (Managing Director)
4. Sunday Anyaogu. (Chief Finance Officer)
5. Olatowun Candide – Johnson. (Non-Executive Director)
6. Dr. Simeon Ifere. (Non-Executive Director)

These, and thousands of others are the owners and runners of Pinnacle Oil and Pinnacle Oil exists because of their funds and investments, while the success of the company is due to the ingenuity of the CEO who runs the affairs of the company.

It is pertinent that we understand the intricacies of the issues at hand before we jump to make accusations that would have otherwise been totally impossible.

Below are the faces of the owners of the monies that Pinnacle Oil stands on. Ọbụrọ ego ndi Enugu. If you look well sef, Ọbụrọ ego ndi Igbo.

Obi Mamah.H
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