By Prince Ugochukwu Nwanjoku 

Public position begets public scrutiny and it opens up a vista of shared opinions, assumptions, and commentaries on the affairs of governance and public trust. Regrettably, the space of public opinion can be overtly toxic to the point that cynics, mischief makers, and political opportunist ride overboard. His Excellency, Dr. Peter Mbah, the governorship candidate of PDP in Enugu state, is an accomplished academician, industrialist and entrepreneur turned politician who currently holds the trust of Ndi-Enugu. 

Since his foray into politics, this fine gentleman has been grossly misrepresented, and called unprintable names, even by those with zero knowledge of his giant strides in the public - private sector. Mbah is the man in the arena, whose only sin may be that he hasn't pandered to the whims and caprices of naysayers, not been the regular boisterous politician, and may have done little to blow his own trumpet. It is not uncanny to see people throw jibes at Mbah and ride on the bandwagon of naysayers who see everything bad but nothing good, who go to town resuscitating dead woods and invoking petty sentiments to undermine the lofty achievements this gentleman made over the years in the public - private sector and politicized everything to score a political point. 

Criticism is an essential element in public affairs and it is of extreme significance because it is the addressing mirror of public officeholders, a means through which leaders are put in check, especially those dressed in borrowed robes. However, criticism has to be constructive, balanced, fair and unbiased. But when it degenerates into the abyss of propaganda, misinformation, and even disinformation then it gives great concern to well-meaning citizens to wonder what may be the intentions or antics of the merchants of propaganda who concoct stories to drag the gubernatorial hopeful down. Mbah has consistently become a target of thriving lies from an unrelenting camp that is determined to undo the narratives of his modest efforts. Irrespective of their detraction, the governorship hopeful has remained steadfast and unperturbed in the midst of the discordance voices. Enugu State like every other state in Nigeria has its own fair share of developmental challenges that Dr. Mbah has taken head-on since emerging the candidate of the party to succeed the current administration in May 29, 2023. His commitment to the social contract he has gone into covenant with the people across the 68 development centres in the 17 LGAs and the trust the people have in him will saw him emerge victorious in the March 11 gubernatorial elections. 

Today, our political atmosphere is wearing a new look in the number of facets and radiating peace and tranquility with a thriving proposition of industrial business atmosphere. Dr. Mbah is known for delivering many first indelible landmark infrastructural projects across the state even as a private businessman through the consideration and deployment of his personal resources. 

Mbah is unrelenting in delivering his economic blueprint to Ndi-Enugu, he enjoys the overwhelming support of true Ndi-Enugu and has not lent himself to the antics of naysayers. In spite of the criticism, the governorship hopeful has stayed the course. To borrow the words of Theodore Roosevelt; I will end by saying "it is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena,...... but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement....."

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