Breaking News! Murder of Enugu Lawyer: Traditional Ruler Dethroned as Enugu State Govt Publishes Official Gazette


The Enugu State Government has released an official gazette detailing the findings and recommendations from a Judicial Commission of Enquiry concerning the Okwojo Town Union and the murder of Barr. Theophilus Ejimofor Ozongwu. The report focuses on the role of the Okwojo Town Union in escalating tensions that led to the tragic death of the lawyer, as well as the failure of traditional leadership in the area.

According to the white paper, the government has withdrawn its recognition of Igwe C.C. Ude as the Traditional Ruler of Okwojo Ngwo for neglecting his responsibilities, which contributed to the crisis. The government also banned Ozo Ramsey Onyia, a community leader, from holding any leadership position in Okwojo Ngwo for five years due to his involvement in the unrest.

In a decisive move to address the growing instability in the community, the Commission recommended the proscription of the Okwojo Town Union. All dealings related to land and land matters conducted by the union were declared null and void.

The Commission pointed out that the Town Union's actions played a significant role in exacerbating the conflict in Okwojo Ngwo, particularly the unlawful encroachment on Barr. Ozongwu’s Palm Plantation, which was located within the Government Forest Reserve. This act of trespassing and the subsequent damage to part of the plantation were key factors that led to Barr. Ozongwu's murder on December 23, 2015.

Furthermore, the Commission called for the reconstitution of a land committee as outlined in the 1972 Okwojo Declaration. This committee will be tasked with reviewing the activities of the now-defunct illegal bodies involved in land matters. The reconstituted committee will operate under the supervision of the Udi Local Government Council, the Ministry of Lands, the Ministry of Justice, and other relevant government agencies, with the involvement of the Police.

In addition, the report highlighted that the trial of suspects in connection with Barr. Ozongwu’s murder is ongoing in court, urging that judgment be awaited. The Enugu State Government has assured the public that the police will continue their investigation until all those involved in the murder are apprehended and brought to justice.

The government fully accepted the Commission's recommendations and has directed the Ministry of Justice to oversee the implementation of these measures to ensure justice and restore peace in Okwojo Ngwo.

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