Igwe-Elect Chief James Nnaji of Amechi Idodo Expresses Gratitude to Governor Mbah for Credible Election


The Igwe-elect of Amechi Idodo Autonomous Community, Chief James Nnaji (Ikeoha I of Amechi Idodo), has extended his profound appreciation to the Governor of Enugu State, His Excellency, Dr. Barr. Peter Ndubuisi Mbah, for his leadership in ensuring a peaceful and credible Igwe election in the community. The election, which took place on the 7th of September, 2024, was marked by transparency and fairness, a reflection of the governor’s commitment to democratic values. Chief Nnaji also expressed gratitude to the Hon. Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs, Deacon Okey Ogbodo, and other key figures who contributed to the success of the electoral process.


I and the people of Amechi Idodo Autonomous Community gratefully extend our warmest gratitude and heartfelt appreciation to the Governor of Enugu State. His Excellency, Dr. Barr. Peter Ndubuisi Mbah for his exemplary leadership in promoting a peaceful and credible Igwe election in Amechi-Idodo Autonomous Community that was held on the 7th of September, 2024. Your efforts to ensure a fair and transparent electoral process of electing Igwe in Amechi Idodo Autonomous Community have not gone unnoticed. Thank you for creating an environment conducive to democratic participation, allowing us to exercise our right to vote without fear or intimidation. Your commitment to democracy and the people's will is truly commendable. Your unwavering commitment to democracy and fairness to the people of Amechi Idodo Autonomous Community has earned you a special place in the hearts of our people.

Please accept my heartfelt appreciation, and may the blessings of our ancestors be upon you.

To the Honorable Commissioner of the Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Chieftaincy Affairs Deacon Okey Ogbodo .

We, the people of Amechi Idodo Autonomous Community, Nkanu East LGA, Enugu State extend our deepest gratitude and appreciation for your outstanding leadership and integrity in conducting a free and fair Igwe election. Your impartiality, transparency, and dedication to upholding the principles of our tradition have earned you our respect and admiration. Your tireless efforts to ensure a smooth and peaceful electoral process have strengthened our community's unity and reinforced our trust in our age-old traditions. Your commitment to fairness and justice has allowed our community to choose their leader with confidence and enthusiasm.

Please accept my heartfelt thanks for a job exceptionally well done.

To the Electorate Committee under the Chairmanship of Prince Christ Mbah , Amechi Idodo Autonomous Community extends her sincerest gratitude and appreciation for your exceptional leadership and dedication to ensuring a free, fair, and peaceful election. Your tireless efforts to maintain transparency, integrity, and order throughout the electoral process are truly commendable.

To the President General Amechi Idodo Town Union Chief Mike Awgu; Your commitment to democracy and the trust placed in you has been upheld with the highest standards. We acknowledge the countless hours, hard work, and sacrifices made to guarantee a smooth and successful election. Thank you for your professionalism, impartiality, and diligence. You have earned the respect and admiration of our community, and we are grateful for your service.

To the resilient and dedicated citizens of Amechi Idodo Autonomous Community who braved the heavy rain to cast their votes for me, I am forever grateful. Your determination and commitment to democracy are truly inspiring. Standing under the rain, waiting in line, and exercising your right to vote is a testament to your passion for our community's future. I am humbled by your trust and support. Thank you for believing in me and my vision. Your sacrifice will not be in vain, and I promise to work tirelessly to serve our community with integrity and dedication. 

 To the dedicated security personnel, I extend my heartfelt gratitude and deepest appreciation for your exceptional service and dedication to ensuring the safety and security of our people throughout the election period. Your tireless efforts, professionalism, and commitment to maintaining peace and order have not gone unnoticed.

Your presence and vigilance provided a sense of comfort and reassurance to our citizens, allowing them to exercise their right to vote without fear or intimidation. Your selflessness and bravery are a testament to your unwavering commitment to duty and service.

Thank you for keeping our people safe and secured.

 To my fellow contestants , Although I emerged victorious in this election and I won, I want to acknowledge the hard work, dedication, and passion each of you brought to this race. We shared a journey, and I'm honored to have had you by my side.

Let us put aside our differences and come together to build a better future for our community. Your ideas, expertise, and perspectives are valuable, and I hope we can collaborate to make a positive impact. Let's celebrate our shared commitment to public service and work towards a common goal, the prosperity and well-being of our people.

Thank you for being part of this journey.

I'm assuring the people of Amechi Idodo Autonomous Community my commitment to work with them and the government for the betterment of our community.

 *Congratulations to us and God bless us all!* 



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