In a bid to ensure the safety and holistic development of students at Federal Government College (FGC) Enugu, Chief Hon. Dr. Chinedu Mbah, the PTA Chairman, has championed a remarkable transformation in student discipline through the strategic deployment of PTA security guards and modern communication technology. Under his leadership, the school's atmosphere has evolved into one of heightened responsibility, particularly among the senior students, who now show an improved sense of self-discipline.

Chief Hon. Dr. Mbah, known for his innovative and compassionate approach to leadership, has developed a multi-faceted strategy to instill discipline in the school community. The most significant impact has been seen in the behavior of SS III students, who now take their responsibilities more seriously, demonstrating greater maturity and consistently dressing in accordance with school rules.

Preventive Discipline: Engaging Students to Minimize Misbehavior

Central to Chief Dr. Mbah’s vision is the concept of preventive discipline, which he executes with the help of PTA security guards. By ensuring that students are regularly engaged in positive activities such as academic competitions and various extracurricular programs, he keeps them focused and away from distractions. His personal involvement in the day-to-day activities of the school further reinforces this mindset. Students, noticing the PTA Chairman’s hands-on approach, have developed a deep sense of respect, which fosters a more disciplined environment. The PTA security guards, often seen patrolling the school grounds, serve as a constant reminder to students to stay focused and on track.

Supportive Discipline: Guiding Rather Than Punishing

Chief Hon. Dr. Mbah believes in giving students a second chance. When students occasionally stray from their duties, he encourages a supportive rather than punitive approach. The PTA security guards, acting as mentors and role models, offer guidance and support to students who may need help refocusing. They take a fatherly approach, nurturing the students back to the right path, teaching them self-control and the importance of discipline. This compassionate method has proven effective, as students feel valued and are more inclined to self-regulate their actions.

Corrective Discipline: Enforcing Accountability

While support is a key pillar of Chief Dr. Mbah’s strategy, accountability remains crucial. When students persist in disobeying the rules, the PTA security guards are prepared to take corrective action. Whether by referring students to school counselors for closer supervision or enforcing stricter measures, the aim is always to instill responsibility rather than punish. The firm yet fair demeanor of the guards has helped maintain order, ensuring that students understand the consequences of their actions without feeling alienated.

The "OVER" Phenomenon: Symbol of Order and Discipline

The presence of the PTA security guards has become so impactful that students have affectionately dubbed them “OVER.” This nickname, which captures the strict but just approach of the guards, has become a symbol of order at FGC Enugu. The sight of “OVER” patrolling the grounds often restores peace among students, as they are reminded to adhere to the school's rules and values.

Modern Communication Technology: Enhancing Security and Coordination

Beyond their physical presence, the PTA security guards are also equipped with modern communication tools, including walkie-talkies, allowing for seamless coordination across the school. This advanced system ensures that security personnel remain connected from one part of the school to another, responding swiftly to potential issues and maintaining a secure environment for all students. The guards' ability to swiftly communicate has helped them address concerns in real-time, significantly improving the school’s overall safety.

Under the stewardship of Chief Hon. Dr. Mbah, the PTA security initiative has not only strengthened discipline but also created an environment where students understand the value of respect, responsibility, and personal growth. The commitment to nurturing both the academic and personal development of the students has positioned FGC Enugu as a model of student discipline and security.

Chief Hon. Dr. Chinedu Mbah’s approach is a testament to the powerful impact of strong leadership, modern security practices, and a genuine commitment to the well-being of future leaders.

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