Enugu Celebrates Minister of Innovation, Science & Tech, Chief Uche Nnaji, As He Marks Successful One-Year-In-Office


In a year filled with transformative achievements, Chief Uche Geoffrey Nnaji, Nigeria's Minister of Innovation, Science, and Technology, has solidified his position as a driving force in advancing Nigeria’s technological landscape. Taking office on August 16, 2023, Chief Nnaji has championed innovative policies and forged strategic partnerships aimed at positioning Nigeria as a global technology leader.

One of the minister’s hallmark accomplishments is the launch of the National Cleantech Innovation Entrepreneurship Ecosystem (CIEE). This initiative seeks to close the gap between innovation and commercialization, offering much-needed support to cleantech startups. The GCIP-led program under the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) provides mentorship, research grants, and business acceleration services, nurturing Nigeria’s next generation of cleantech entrepreneurs.

Further cementing his commitment to renewable energy, Chief Nnaji oversaw the creation of the Barefoot Renewable Energy College at the Confluence University of Science and Technology, Kogi State, and a Solar PV Module Assembly Plant in Nkanu West L.G.A., Enugu State. These projects not only advance Nigeria’s capacity for local solar PV module production but also contribute significantly to skill development and carbon emission reduction.

Under the Tech-Advantage Nigeria Initiative, the Ministry has provided skills acquisition opportunities for thousands of young Nigerians, offering training in various ICT fields. This platform aims to promote learning, community apprenticeship, and a marketplace for technology skills, helping to stimulate economic growth while addressing Nigeria’s high youth unemployment rate.

Chief Nnaji’s leadership has resulted in several key partnerships. In collaboration with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the Ministry launched a space technology program focused on improving agricultural productivity through satellite monitoring under the CropWatch initiative. This partnership promotes regenerative agricultural practices and introduces innovative carbon dioxide removal techniques aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

One of the major highlights of the past year has been the National Policy on Welding, a long-overdue initiative to enhance the skills and certification of Nigeria’s over one million welders. Chief Nnaji’s goal is to curb the $10 billion lost annually due to the lack of internationally certified welding professionals by establishing Centers of Welding Excellence across Nigeria's six geopolitical zones.

Another significant achievement includes the approval of four new satellites (three optical and one SAR) that will bolster Nigeria’s security, agriculture, and disaster management efforts. The FMIST has also entered partnerships with Adani Defense and AVIC-KDN to establish a local UAV manufacturing plant and has collaborated with GETS System Israel to develop advanced coastal radar systems, unmanned ground vehicles, and cutting-edge solar cells.

In a move to capitalize on Nigeria's natural resources, the Ministry signed an MOU with Entrust Microgrid UK to advance the lithium-ion battery industry, unlocking the potential of Nigeria’s vast lithium reserves.

On the biotechnology front, the TELA Maize Project stands out as a key initiative under Chief Nnaji’s leadership, focusing on the cultivation of transgenic insect-resistant and drought-tolerant maize varieties. His work in this sector aims to improve food security and boost the agricultural economy.

Nigeria is also positioning itself as a leader in green hydrogen technology, thanks to a partnership with the West African Service Centre on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL). This collaboration, funded by the German government, supports green hydrogen research and capacity building in Nigerian universities.

Chief Nnaji’s first year in office has been marked by relentless dedication to propelling Nigeria’s technological and scientific growth. His strategic vision for innovation, science, and technology lays a solid foundation for future progress, with long-lasting implications for the nation’s economy, youth empowerment, and environmental sustainability.

As we celebrate these accomplishments, Nigeria looks forward to more groundbreaking milestones under Chief Uche Geoffrey Nnaji’s leadership. His commitment to leveraging technology for economic development is set to pave the way for a more prosperous future.

Congratulations, Honourable Minister, on a successful first year in office!

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