Permit me to drop these few points on the man, Ugo Ferdinand Ukwueze Esq. (U.F. Ukwueze or simply UgoFerd) in relation to Igbo-Eze South L.G and the forthcoming council elections in Enugu State. 

I'll not dwell on zoning or such other geographical factors that glaringly and unarguably favour the choice of UgoFerd as the candidate of the People's Democratic Party in the coming Enugu State Council elections. One may argue that such factors typify and glorify the now abhorrent "Emilokan" ideology that hardly translates into credibility.

I have known UgoFerd on a personal level for close to two decades. And in those years, we have interacted closely, and I have always wondered how he is wired, because he always comes off as not the "average" Nigerian. He aspires to be above-board. But this too is not the thrust of this intervention, as anyone may dismiss my observations as being subjective. 

I'll go to verifiable and crystal inputs UgoFerd has made to Nsukka and humanity to my knowledge, from the time I met him, until the present day. I chose these periods so I  can give an eye-witness to all I'll render hereunder. 

First, let us look at UgoFerd as a student union activist. It is common knowledge that he attended the prestigious University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus (UNEC) where he bagged a law degree in dazzling colours. 

While in UNEC, he noticed that Nsukka indigenes schooling in UNEC were mostly unorganized and lacked a common voice, and as such, faced marginalization in the affairs of the students union, both at the various faculties, departments and in the entire institution. 

Seeing that the inequities meted out on the Nsukka students would not abate without a common front, he quickly started a campaign for Nsukka "Kporakpo" that yielded massive dividends in no time, and eventually paved way for election of Nsukka students into the leadership of various faculties, departments and the university in general. The fruits of those modest efforts still resonate in UNEC to the present day. And UgoFerd achieved that, expending his personal money and comfort. 

After his call to the equally prestigious Nigerian Bar, he went into full-time practice where it did not take him long due to his dedication, to carve out a niche for himself that not long after, birthed the Ferdinand Attorneys that has grown in leaps and bounds.

Still within the legal profession, he took his shot at the helm of the Nsukka Branch (NskBar) of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) where he was elected a Chairman of the Branch, setting the still unbroken record as the youngest lawyer to lead that Branch. 

When naysayers stood by to watch how someone they considered a greenhorn would steer the then turbulent ship of the Branch, UgoFerd sprung into action and shortly delivered to the Brach many dividends that no previous or succeeding administration till date has ever measured up to. 

For instance, he delivered to the Branch, the first official vehicle of the Branch, a Toyota Sienna bus that has continued to proclaim the Branch since then, with the name of the Brach boldly inscribed on it. And in that, he did not claim any credit by including his name in the inscription on the body of the vehicle, as most people would ordinarily do. 

He also equipped the Chairman's office for the first time, delivering to the Branch Secretariat, a standard furnished office as well as furnished clerk's office that have made the running of that Secretariat so seamless and less tasking. 

UgoFerd also delivered yearly diaries to members of NskBar at no cost for the two years he was on the saddle, diaries that would have cost at least N3,000 per copy. That was the first time of such gesture in the history of the Branch, and remains unmatched to date. 

He also delivered a standard public address system and a power generating set to the Branch, and capped it with the installation of water facilities for the Branch. 

The above achievements were accomplished within just two years that his tenure inured. And mind you, the office he occupied had no budgetary allocation of any kind. So, he worked out every kobo he spent in that office. UgoFerd could have conveniently appropriated to his personal use all the money he sourced while in that office, but his call is a call to deliver. It is just in his nature. 

It was no surprise therefore that Ukwueze shortly after taking the reins of the Nsukka Branch of the NBA, was elected the Coordinating Chairman of the Chairmen in Enugu State by his brother Chairmen of the other four Branches of the Bar in Enugu State, a position he held until his tenure as Chairman came to a fulfilling end. 

In his secular politics within the State, His Excellency, Rt. Hon. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi found him worthy and appointed him a Special Assistant, and he discharged creditably to the admiration of many. Nobody can possibly forget his massive gifts to widows and the less privileged in Igbo-Eze South, of various items ranging from clothing, rice, to even a car gift to one lucky beneficiary. You can check the records to see how many other persons in that position achieved that. 

His Excellency, Dr. Peter Mbah has shown by his choices of candidates for the upcoming council elections, that he is masses-oriented and result-driven. No wonder he discovered the likes of UgoFerd. May God continue to sustain this clear and fine foresight in His Excellency. 

With someone with the antecedents of UgoFerd, Igbo-Eze South people should relax. They should make merry. They should revel. Their good days have come, and their tomorrow just arrived in UgoFerd.

Let us all give him the massive support he deserves, to ensure his victory at the polls.

 F.A. Ezugwu Esq.

(Legal Practitioner)

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