                       Rex Buchi Akwolu 
                   (Socio-Political Analyst)

In the ever-evolving terrain of local governance, where the need for visionary leadership is more pressing than ever, electing a capable and dedicated chairman is vital. Igbo-Etiti Local Government Area (LGA) in Enugu State stands on the cusp of a transformative era—one that calls for a leader with a sharp vision, unwavering dedication, and a profound grasp of the complexities of governance. 

In this context, the candidacy of Dr. Eric Ogbonna Odo for the Chairman of Igbo-Etiti LGA is not merely a choice; it’s a rallying cry—a call to end the search for the ideal leader and to support a man who embodies the essential qualities needed to steer Igbo-Etiti, the MAN POWER BASE OF ENUGU STATE towards a brighter future

Dr. Eric Ogbonna Odo is a familiar and respected figure in Igbo-Etiti LGA. His life’s journey, deeply intertwined with community service, reflects a commitment to the well-being of others. With a strong background in medicine and public health, Dr. Odo has spent decades as a professional addressing the health needs of his community, recognizing that the well-being of the people is the cornerstone of all other aspects of development. His medical career has equipped him not only with the technical skills to address health challenges but also with the compassion and empathy necessary to connect with people on a personal level. These are the hallmarks of a leader who sees governance not as a means to power but as a platform to serve.


The challenges facing Igbo-Etiti LGA are significant but not insurmountable. They require a leader with a clear and actionable vision in line with the disruptive innovation approach of the governor His Excellency Dr Peter Ndubuisi Mbah. Dr. Odo’s vision for Igbo-Etiti is one of inclusive development, where every citizen, regardless of their background, has access to the resources and opportunities they need to thrive. His plans to improve healthcare infrastructure, enhance educational opportunities, youth empowerment through skills acquisition, agro Industrialization, poverty alleviation and as well foster economic growth are not mere promises but carefully considered strategies that reflect his deep understanding of the community’s needs. His focus on education, for instance, underscores his belief that a well-educated population is the bedrock of a prosperous society. Dr. Odo’s initiatives to invest in education through the provision of scholarships and bursary, creating employment opportunities through youth empowerment and improving teachers training are designed to create an environment where every child, youths and the downtrodden in Igbo-Etiti can reach their full potential.

In a political environment often marred by a lack of transparency and accountability, Dr. Odo stands out as a candidate committed to good governance. His professional background, grounded in strong ethical principles, guarantees that he will bring integrity and accountability to the office of the Chairman. Dr. Odo has pledged to lead an open and transparent administration, ensuring that the people of Igbo-Etiti have a voice in the decisions that affect their lives. This commitment to participatory governance reflects his belief in the power of collective action and his understanding that true leadership is about empowering the entire community.



The upcoming election is more than just a contest between candidates; it is a pivotal moment for the future of Igbo-Etiti LGA. The people of Igbo-Etiti have the chance to choose a leader who is not only highly qualified but also deeply committed to their well-being. 

Dr. Eric Ogbonna Odo represents a departure from the status quo—a unique opportunity to elect a leader who will prioritize the needs of the people, promote sustainable development, and transform our dear Local Government into a model of good governance in Enugu State.


Now is the time to stop searching for the ideal candidate and start moving forward with the election of DR. ERIC OGBONNA ODO as CHAIRMAN of IGBO-ETITI LGA. His track record, vision, and commitment makes him the clear choice for this critical position. Let us unite in support of a leader who will lead with integrity, serve with compassion, and govern with wisdom. The future of Igbo-Etiti hinges on the decisions we make today. Let us make the right choice and secure a brighter future for our community by electing Dr. Eric Ogbonna Odo as our next Chairman. Let us therefore collectively rally round this brand new beacon of hope in Dr Eric Ogbonna Odo as the new face of a rebranded Igbo-Etiti LGA .

It is possible and together we can achieve more for our generation.


                       Rex Buchi Akwolu 
                     (Socio-Political Analyst)
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