ENUGU: Labour Party Reacts, Kicks Against 7-Year Jail Term on House Of Assembly Member, Petitions NJC


The Enugu State chapter of the Labour Party (LP) has condemned the politically motivated detention of Bright Ngene, who was jailed for seven years without an option of fine by Magistrate Onwu of Enugu South Magisterial district on Friday, June 28, 2024, over alleged conspiracy.

SaharaReporters had reported that the Magistrate announced in open court that he was under instructions to conclude the case which had been pending in the state court for arbitration since 2017. 

Consequently, on Friday, he ruled on the case, despite a pending petition to the National Judicial Council (NJC) on the matter.

Without the adoption of written addresses, he handed over a seven-year jail term to Ngene without an option of a fine.

Reacting to the development in a statement jointly signed by the LP state chairman and publicity secretary, Casmir Agbo and Onuora Odo, the party condemned the judgement, calling on the NJC to intervene and stop the ridiculing of the legal profession by officials who had sold their consciences to the whims of the politicians. 

The statement partly read: "We, the undersigned strongly condemn the unjust and politically motivated detention of  Hon. Bright Ngene, the Labour Party  Candidate for Enugu South Urban State during the March 18, 2023 general elections which he won and was sworn in as a member of Enugu House of Assembly. 

"You would recall that Hon. Bright Ngene defeated his closest rival, Sam. Ngene during the elections. However, the PDP Candidate went to the Tribunal praying the Honourable Tribunal to to declare that the election was inconclusive. 

"Consequently, the Tribunal ordered for a rerun in eight pooling units but, unfortunately, the said rerun didn't take place on two occasions as the PDP Candidate was not prepared for the elections but was only plotting with Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to rig the election.

"It's very obvious that the PDP-led government is in cahoots with the INEC to manipulate the election in favour of Sam Ngene.

"It's on record that the rerun could not take place on two occasions because the masses came out to reject any form of manipulation and imposition. 

"It's on the strength of the stiff resistance being mounted by the Labour Party Candidate that the PDP-led government strategised and came up with arm-twisting tactics geared towards stopping Bright at all costs."

The statement added, "In total execution of their grand scheme, the PDP-led government went and resurrected a land-related matter involving Bright and two others pending before the Court since 2017. 

"In a scenario that looked more dramatic than Court proceedings, the presiding Magistrate, His Worship Onwu apparently acting under instructions hurriedly and  haphazardly heard the case on the 28th day of June 2024 without Adoption of Addresses by parties, and sent Hon. Bright to prison for seven years without option of fine on trumped-up charge."

The party stated that the detention of Ngene was a clear attempt to silence and stop him from participating in the rerun election and was calculated to muzzle and stiffle opposition in the State.

"We believe this detention is a gross violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms, moreso when there is a pending petition before National Judicial Council (NJC) in connection with the matter.  

"The Presiding Magistrate displayed manifest bias in arriving at that decision. It's pure political intimidation and nothing more.

"We are calling on the NJC and the human rights community to rise to the occasion and lend their voice against this gross injustice occasioned on Hon. Bright. Labour Party stands in solidarity with him and all those who face persecution for their political beliefs and activism. 

"We urge the international community to join us in condemning this detention and advocating for his freedom. When you see something, say something and do something."
