Condolence Visit Of Hon Minister of Innovation, Science and Technology, Symbolic, Unifying and Nationalistic - Senator Ali Modu Sheriff

SENATOR ALI MODU SHERIFF, a man with a thick political profile in Nigeria, a notable heavy weight player in the northern politics recently announced the death of his beloved mother. This news caused a political pilgrimage of sorts to his residence for condolences 

SENATOR ALI MODU SHERIFF, former governor of Borno State, former chairman board of trustees ANPP, former chairman, PDP is a voice and power broker in politics . It is important to recall that prior to the death of his beloved mother, there were loud, unpatriotic voices from some sections of the northern Nigeria  calling for tribal meetings to galvanize political strength against President Tinubu. Unfortunately, these calls may never gain traction due to defiance by Senator Ali Modu Sheriff. Senator Ali Modi Sheriff calls for  a unified Nigeria to fight against the myriad of problems bedeviling the country with the sole aim to  find lasting solutions to the national problems instead of call for meetings without putting NIGERIA FIRST.  In his speech, Nigeria first is a call for national patriotism. 

Amongst the long list of visitors to Senator Ali Modi Sheriff, Chief Uche Nnaji NWAKIBIE, the honorable minister of innovation, science and technology, led  a team of very highly placed Nigerians, the creame de la creame of society from different walks of life, political affiliations, religions and tribes on a SPECIAL CONDOLENCE VISIT to Senator Ali Modu Sheriff. 

SENATOR ALI MODU SHERIFF was moved with joy to receive the people and in response called the visit Symbolic, strategic and unifying as the team represented the diversity of Nigeria.

He commended chief Uche Nnaji NWAKIBIE, as a bridge builder, a kind man, peace advocate and a soft spoken , humble servant leader who has built, enviable, powerful, solid, genuine, long lasting  relationships across political, tribal and religious groupings in Nigeria and beyond. He thanked Chief Uche Nnaji NWAKIBIE as a wonderful Nigerian and a true champion of peace and love in the nation.

Prior to the appointment of Chief Uche Nnaji NWAKIBIE as honorable minister of science and technology, Chief Uche Nnaji NWAKIBIE is reputed as a spotless man of integrity with a thick profile of services in politics, government and vast business chains covering Oil and Gas, Agro processing, Real Estate, turnkey medical equipment and pharmaceuticals supplies.

It is worthy of note to say that integrity is worth more than money. It takes the kind of Chief Uche Nnaji NWAKIBIE to be celebrated even during a condolence visit.

Good name is worth more than gold and diamond.

Great nations overcome challenges when they develop multi pronged, patriotic solutions. 

Nigeria shall rise again 

               Bishop Chinedu Nwoye
