BREAKING: Winners Chapel Church’s Pastor Sentenced For Raping Minor In Church

The court has passed strict judgment on a serving pastor, Enoch Gbinyiam of Winners Chapel Church in Omuo-Ekiti to one year in prison for the rape of a minor. The sentencing, which took place on Thursday, June 13, has sent shockwaves through the local community, highlighting the urgent need to address sexual violence and safeguard vulnerable individuals.

The case against Gbinyiam centered on the testimony and evidence presented by the State Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), Julius Ajiba. According to Ajiba, the victim, a young girl and daughter of a church member, frequently visited the vicarage to assist Gbinyiam’s wife with household chores and to help his children with their school assignments. It was during one of these visits that the assault occurred.

Ajiba told the court that Gbinyiam had sedated a bottle of Fanta and offered it to the unsuspecting minor. "The minor consumed the drink and subsequently fell unconscious. When she woke up, she found herself bleeding profusely from her vagina," Ajiba stated, detailing the harrowing experience of the victim.

The incident was quickly reported to the authorities, leading to Gbinyiam’s arrest. The prosecution argued that the pastor’s actions violated section 2 of the Gender Based Violence (Prohibition) Law, 2019. To support the case, Ajiba presented four witnesses and submitted two critical exhibits that corroborated the victim’s account and provided substantial evidence of Gbinyiam’s guilt.

Despite the compelling evidence, Gbinyiam, through his counsel Adeyinka Opaleke, pleaded not guilty to the charge. He maintained his innocence, calling one witness and presenting an unspecified piece of evidence in his defense. However, the court found the prosecution’s case to be overwhelmingly persuasive.

In delivering the verdict, Justice O.I.O Ogunyemi stated, “The prosecution has proven its case beyond a reasonable doubt. The evidence presented clearly establishes the defendant’s guilt.” Consequently, Gbinyiam was sentenced to one year in a Correctional Centre.

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