God's desire is for the Total man to be Godly, Prosperous, Healthy, and Enjoy peace. 3 John 1:2.

Nigerian churches started with teaching on Godliness, being the message of repentance that came with the missionaries. 

Today the message of the church includes kingdom prosperity through diligence, creativity, service excellence and right pricing. 

Many churches teach on Family, marriage and parenting but sadly, only a small percentage of churches have explicit teachings on wellness by professionals to focus on diet, & lifestyle modification to prevent illnesses and mandatory medical checks for early detection and treatment of diseases. 

The word DIET is simply an acronym for DIE TERMINATOR through food. Die Terminator is about what we eat, when, how, why and quantity . If anyone answers these questions, such a person can develop a disciplined, and healthy eating plan. You can eat to live or eat to die. Food is medicine if you have a healthy diet plan or poison if you ignore a need for diet plan based on ur body type, age and health status. This is not rocket science. The Bible even confirmed such with a quote,"MY PEOPLE PERISH FOR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE". People die untimely when they lack knowledge of wellness.

Innovations in medical science have made provisions for stem cell regeneration through healthy supplements. Supplements can come as oral tablets or as dermal patches. The patches are the safest and most convenient as they are placed on the surface of skin and work even while you sleep. Stem cell Patches introduce needed nutrients to the body via the skin pores as the safest way to introduce controlled quantities to help the body rebuild damaged cells, boost immunity, prevent or fight diseases and help the body heal itself. All sicknesses start with failure of the immune system. Natural healing without side effects is also through immune booster at cellular level . Nigerians are dying in numbers due to poor health. Plan to live long by investing time and resources on DIET PLANNING, MEDICAL CHECKS AND CELL REGENERATION ( FOR THOSE THAT CAN AFFORD IT)


Innocent Nigerians are at war. There is economic war on one side as naira is having a free fall to all foreign currencies including cameron CFA and insecurity on the other side. Present day Hunger caused by food shortages was created by unmitigated destruction of farm lands and farming communities by herdsmen. People stopped going to farms for fear of herdsmen. This is a hard truth.

With the increasing challenges of insecurity, leading to targeted killings, maiming, rape, arson and extortion by bandits, herdsmen and Jihadists, Nigerians must rise to the occasion and answer the question how can we live in peace and safety?

The purpose of the government is security and welfare. This has become illusive in Nigeria as the number of internally displaced persons increases to millions every quarter. Previous administration gave preference to Fulani herdsmen and treated foreign bandits with kid gloves for an agenda that seems targeted at tribal dominance as the Fulani became above the law. They threatened, massacred whole villages as everyone watches helplessly. Their identities were not hidden. They even took over villages and renamed them filling up IDP camps with widows and fatherless children.

To enjoy peace, the Total man must understand the provisions of the law for self defense and self preservation. The law of God does not prevent self defense. The bible explicitly declared that any man that cannot provide for his own is worse than an infidel. The Total man must provide basic safety for his family which includes food, shelter, security for a good night sleep.

While growing as a teenager, my father had a double barrel gun. He wakes up at night whenever he hears noise. Today, the men watch helplessly as evil men take their wives, children away as bandits to rape them or demand ransom and in most cases murder them or murder entire families without any provocation in cold blood. The same are caught and rehabilitated by government with tax payers money while the dead rot in the ground while his wife and daughter suffer trauma of rape & some live with HIV in IDP camps.

Nigerian constitution allows self defence. Men must learn to defend themselves. It is not against the law to own licensed firearms, machetes, bows, arrows, or even catapults. 

With the present weakness of Nigerian naira to the dollar, many christian homes cannot afford to buy a firearm. I advise men in rural communities to buy many catapults and teach their wives, and all their children how to use them. Use metal balls if you cannot afford a firearm . It is better than nothing. Goliath fell to catapult attack. Bandits, thieves can fall to catapult using multiple metal balls. Fabricators can make reloadable catapults. Just have something.. Enough of the defenselessness of christians in the face of bandits, jihadists and herdsmen attacks. They kill, maim and burn churches and christian homes and take over ancestral lands while we watch helplessly. Enough is enough

King David asked a pertinent question, christians need to ask themselves in the reality of present day NIGERIA

‭‭II Samuel‬ ‭3:33‭-‬34‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

[33] And the king sang a lament over Abner and said: “Should Abner die as a fool dies? [34] Your hands were not bound Nor your feet put into fetters; As a man falls before wicked men, so you fell.” Then all the people wept over him again.

Hands of Nigerian Christians are not bound. It is an error to die like worthless flies without any form of resistance. Enough is Enough. Bandits are not Nigerian, so are many of the Boko Haramists and members of ISWAP. 

Self defense is not criminal and is not in biblical.

Bishop Chinedu Nwoye

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