Enugu State Gov't Activates LG Staff Verification Committee ...Directs all Local Government Staff to Report to Places of Primary Assignments for "Physical Staff Audit"


In a bid to enhance transparency and efficiency within the local government system, the Enugu State Government has activated the LG Staff Verification Committee. Headed by Prof. Chidiebere Onyia, the Secretary to the State Government and Committee Chairman, this committee will conduct a thorough Physical Staff Audit across all 17 Local Government Areas.


Verification of Local Government Staff:

The recently constituted Enugu State LG Staff Verification Committee, in exercise of its mandate, will be visiting the 17 LGAs for Physical Staff Audit, and hereby directs all Staff in the Enugu State Local Government System, to henceforth always report for duty at their places of primary assignment (duty posts/stations), with the original copies of the following documents, for sighting by the Verification Committee; 

1. Letter of First Appointment

2. Proof of Date of Birth

3. Confirmation of Appointment Letter

4. Gen. 35 (Notification letter of a staff's most recent Promotion)

5. First School Leaving Certificate (FSLC)

6. ID Card - National Identification Number (NIN) 


7. Any other supporting document.

All affected Staff should be guided to avail themselves of this opportunity by Enugu State Government to sanitise the Local Government System, which will definitely guarantee better welfare packages and working conditions for all legitimate staff, as soon as is possible.


Prof. Chidiebere Onyia

Secretary to the State Government and Committee Chairman

Thursday, 14th December, 2023

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