President Tinubu's Convoy Causes Traffic Woes for Abuja Residents

Residents of Abuja have expressed frustration over the daily traffic gridlock caused by the convoy of President Ahmed Bola Tinubu during his commute to work in the city.

In a viral video shared on social media on Wednesday, an Abuja resident captured a long line of cars queued up, waiting to proceed to their respective destinations. The narrator, a male voice, highlighted the consistent delays caused by President Tinubu's motorcade every morning and evening.

The resident stated, "This is artificial traffic caused by President Tinubu. He lives in Asokoro and has not yet moved to the villa. Every morning when he comes to work, they block the road for about 30 minutes. And in the evening, when he is returning home, they also block the road for another 30 minutes."

The narrator continued to emphasize the impact on regular commuters, "So, you who are going to your office, you have to stay on the road for about one hour just to wait for President Tinubu to go to work every day. You can see the line; it happens every day, every day, every day. How do we continue like this just because one man wants to go to work? He refuses to move into Aso Rock, choosing instead to commute from his house, thereby blocking people from going to their own offices."

Clearly exasperated, he exclaimed, "Man, this is very bad, very bad. I have been here for 25 minutes, and I am still going to wait again for another 20 minutes. Kai, Nigeria, it's very absurd."

The video has drawn attention to the inconvenience faced by ordinary citizens due to the traffic disruptions caused by the President's convoy. It has also sparked debates on the need for efficient transportation arrangements for government officials to ensure minimal disruptions to the daily lives of the citizens.

As of now, there has been no official response from the government regarding the matter. However, with the video gaining traction online, it is likely to attract further public and media scrutiny. Citizens are hoping for a resolution that would alleviate the traffic congestion and restore smooth commuting for all residents of Abuja.
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