Labourers' Social Media Bandits And Ugwuanyiphobia

By James Chukwu

Showing how crosspatch, malicious, sadistic, narcissistic and picayune they are, even after, Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi handed over power on May 29, 2023 to his successor and Governor of Enugu state, Bar. Peter Ndubuisi Mbah, the social media bandits of Enugu Labour Party led by one Nsukka failed and frustrated mainstream journalist, Aniebo Nwamu, have continued to fabricate and peddle falsehoods and lies against him.
     This time around, having run out of idea of what lies to peddle against Ugwuanyi after he has left office, they concocted fake news which they used one of  their fake online news blog called City News Reporter to publish, saying that Mbah hid Ugwuanyi at Government Lodge to evade Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC )'s arrest. 
   The truth is that since after handing over the rein of power to Mbah, Ugwuanyi has been taking his time to relax and rest in his Enugu home. He is not being looked for or hunted by EFCC or any anti-graft agency as being fabricated and published by the Nsukka labourers' social media bandits led by Aniebo Nwamu, Francis Edeh, Kenneth Ezea, Ifeanyi Ogenyi and others as members. 
   The whole lie of Ugwuanyi being hunted by EFCC is a figment of imaginations of the labourers' social media e-rats that penned and published the fake news.   
    Expectedly and in tandem with their social media antics and bullying, they will do more of such fake news in the days, weeks and months, ahead using fake blogs and amorphous groups, all in a desperate bid to demean and discredit Ugwuanyi. 
   It is known and in public domain that some political enemies of Ugwuanyi, mostly Nsukka labourers and their paymasters in the state have commissioned many groups and people to write fictious and phony petitions to anti- graft agencies against Ugwuanyi. 
   Ugwuanyi is not perturbed and is ever ready to account for his stewardship in office whenever he is called upon. He is not and should not be afraid of anti-graft agencies' invitations. After all, his eight years administration was scandal-free, transparent, and accountable to the people of the state. 
    It is obvious that the phobia of Nsukka labourers for Ugwuanyi even outside the office is all about the good things the future holds for him, which they are worried about and wouldn't want to happen. But what these labourers' social media e-rats failed to understand is that they are not God and can not stop a man destined to be great.
  It is time Nsukka labourers' social media terrorists who have no job except social media blackmail and mudslingings should allow Ugwuanyi to enjoy his rest after 20 years unprecedented and meritorious public service. He deserves rest and respect of all.
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