Mbah Acts as Enugu Basks in his Cornucopia of Inimitable Glory

By Reuben Onyishi

Watching Governor Peter Ndubuisi Mbah assume office on 29th May, 2023, after he had shortly been sworn in, and signed three Executive Orders, his forthrightness and passion to deliver his campaign promises, his savviness, panache and resplendent mien, aura, charm, elegance, poise, glory, physical fitness and smartness, one would naturally agree that Ndi Enugu have got it right this time, and now bask in the cornucopia of his glory. One would also be grateful to former Governor Ugwuanyi who selflessly bequeathed us this legacy.

Shakespeare in Twelfth Night sums up the sources of greatness thus: "Some are born great; some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust on them." Peter's ( Alas! What is in a name? Upon this Rock, I shall build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail) is a deliberate and stoical achievement of greatness. Peter Mbah trained for the job. He, when convinced he was ripe, and driven by selfless and transcedental values, went for the job. The door was open, but there were many adversaries and stumps on the way. Peter nonetheless wriggled through them all. A labyrinth of landmines here and there. But he was prepared enough to run through the troop and leap over the wall. Today, Peter is established on the throne deservedly in wisdom, knowledge, authority and power. He, like biblical Solomon, is imbued with wisdom, though young. He is well-read and awash with main currents in modern leadership. He is a transcedental leader whose experience and antecedents of disruptive innovation and transformational abilities offer us the hope of their  replication in his public service of Enugu State as our governor. 

With Governor Mbah, it is business unusual. Even the recasting, with semantic force, of the wishy-washy tag, 'it is no longer business as usual,' often used by all Tom, Dick and Harry who do not attach any pragmatic and demonstrable sense to it, is a sign of the newness and otherness Governor Mbah has come to wrought. Part of this newness is working smart, leveraging digitalized technology. For Mbah, work begins in the morning. He resumes office by 8am and closes in the evening. That is working smart. It is not about how long a governor sleeps in the office. That doesn't get the work done.Treating important and urgent files with forthright delivery makes the difference. Time is of essence, and Governor Mbah is mindful of time. These are some of the things he is bringing from the private sector. Prompt delivery goes to the root of efficiency and performance. Mbah knows the performance indicators and targets, and they are tied to time.

Watching Mbah visit the offices at Government House today to familiarize himself with the staff, one can attest to the fact that he is smart and physically fit. He walked briskly from the Lion Building to Abuja Building, Protocol Unit, the Chief Driver's end and the other places, meeting with the staff. One could see how agile he is. No miasmatic cog of  obfuscating  heaviness. He is trimmed to a man! His dress sense is also smart and poignant in three-piece suit as would a top-notch executive of some bluechips. It arouses a sense of confidence in his capacity and knowledge. Mbah looks delectably businesslike. He looks good, and looking good is good business.This dress sense is akin to Sullivan's, and incidentally Sullivan is a reference point of excellent scorecard with whom Governor Mbah is also identified.

Everything grows fair towards the sun in Mbah's Enugu State. The SSG he appointed, Prof. Chidiebere Onyia, speaks Mbah's language of exponential growth of the Enugu economy and poverty alleviation. He is sound and knows the blueprints as would Peter Ndubuisi Mbah himself. Prof. Onyia is one of the eggheads with whom Mbah had crafted his social charter with Ndi Enugu. He is an international scholar with over 25-year experience in strategic planning and development. Onyia is an excellent administrator and a perfect fit for the purpose. Surely, he will deliver on the job. With Peter Mbah, mediocrity is a sin. Peter knows the way. He will also bring on board knowledgeable and capable persons who would help drive the process to Eldorado.  All is agreed Enugu State is next in line for glory. Governor Mbah is changing the narratives, and Ndi Enugu have already begun to shout Hallelujah. Indeed tomorrow is here.


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