Concerned People Of Enugu State Convey Heartening Congratulatory Message to the new Executive Governor and Deputy Governor of Enugu State.

The Concerned People Of Enugu State Convey Heartening Congratulatory Message to the new Executive Governor and Deputy Governor of Enugu State.

His Excellency, Barr. Peter  Ndubisi Mba, the Executive Governor of Enugu State, and 
His Excellency Barr. Ifeanyi Osai, the Deputy Governor of Enugu State.

We the Concerned people of Enugu state wish  to congratulate you on your swearing in as the new Executive Governor and Deputy Governor of a very respected and peaceful state in Nigeria, yes it was a very tough race but God and the good people of Enugu chose you because we believe you have what it takes to transform Enugu State for good.

Your Excellency, the people you are leading is Enugu people not pdp,apc or any other political party, please do well to run all inclusive government. 

Your Excellency, you have big work to do, Enugu State need transformation...all ministries need to be reviewed and put to standard 

Your Excellency, we must say you started well by making sure you put water and environment as your first assignment, please include the easy of doing business and easy access to business loan so young people can easily engage in business and other meaningful things and leave the street entirely. 

Your Excellency,  transportation in Enugu is worrisome, government shuttle bus in Enugu is no where to be found, please help us bring it back. Please Sir, having a small modern commercial train(even if is one) in Enugu metropolis will help to easy the hardship on transportation which will also help to reduce unemployment among our youths. Having Enugu Airlines will add great value to our state economy and create massive employment opportunities for our people (you  can start with embraer or propeller planes before migrating to big aircrafts).

Your Excellency, our urban and rural roads are in a very bad shape, please try and engage professionals and monitor their work to avoid substandard work that won't last a year.

Your Excellency, please prioritize education in this your government, let our little ones have access to standard education. 

Your Excellency, the uncompleted international conference centre, presidential hotel, Nike lake hotel, unity park should be among your first assignments, if these four are fixed I can tell you it will create more than one thousand job opportunities for our people. 

We pledge to continue to contribute our quota to make sure you succeed in this tough journey, we are very much concerned about the well being of Ndi-Enugu which we believe you have the capacity to make Enugu one of the best in Nigeria. 

In Concerned People of Enugu State platform, we share ideas on how to create an enabling environment for the good people of Enugu State, we are also concerned about economic growth of Enugu State, development and good governance. 

Your Excellency, you have a lot to do, and we believe they are achievable.

We will keep engaging you and your government to make sure you succeed.

Congratulations to you as we look forward to a working Enugu State of our dream.

God bless you Your Excellency,
God bless Enugu State,
God bless Nigeria.


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