By Prince Ugochukwu Nwanjoku 

Enugu State PDP gubernatorial candidate, Dr. Barr Peter Mbah will be inheriting a largely Civil Service State despite being just designated to attain the status of the league of oil producing states in Nigeria by the current administration of Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi, but he is already creating a new image for the state in terms of drive for private sector investments as proposed in his statement of purpose or social contract with the people.

Since the return of Nigeria to civil rule in 1999, the successive administration in Enugu state, had worked to improve the level of infrastructure in the Coal City rich state to attract private sector investment. While much has been done in area of physical infrastructural development, the state is still a far cry from hitting the target in getting the much-desired private sector-led economy. However, the dream of the former Governors Dr. Chimaroke Ogbonnia Nnamani and Sullivan Chime is finding actualization with Dr. Peter Mbah whose planned administration in the coming months has worked to give a new drive and impetus to give the state a new character different from being a sleepy civil service state.

The development coming into Enugu state under Dr. Mbah's administration is integrated to deliver sustainable economic growth, where the private sector will play a leading role and create massive employment opportunities for the youth through massive industrialization especially through manufacturing, agriculture and agro-allied and service businesses. Coming from the oil sector where he is the chief executive office at Pinnacle Oil and Gas Ltd even as he holds the governorship ticket of the ruling party in the state to aspire to govern the state in the next political dispensation counting in May 29 2023.

Peter Mbah recognized that he must continue with the expansion of infrastructural projects which his predecessors started especially roads to connect the entire state and for easy movement of people and goods. In this wise, his administration has proposed to build a 10,000 kilometers of road network in the next eight years. This is with a focused idea to create environmental business friendly for communities whilst boosting trade and commerce. With the upsurge of economic activities in the state/inflow of local and international investors into the state with the attendant increase in commercial flights to Enugu by local airlines and executive jets, the Dr. Mbah's administration is neck deep in the composition of a world class economic activities in the coal city state for the next eight years. 

To also diversify the economy of the state to wean Nigeria from reliance on oil, Dr. Dr. Mbah's programmes on agriculture will move from subsistence-commercial to agro-allied industry. This will help local farmers to harness the good opportunity of using mechanized farming methods, for examples, rice farmers in the state who are producing rice for local consumption and sales to other part of Nigeria and do export to West Coast. Doing this, the state also boosting its comparative advantage in growing other source of farm products, livestock and animal husbandry production are also the overall agricultural policy of the Dr. Peter Mbah's administration.

Dr. Mbah will change the narrative for our people such that in the next 10 years to 20 years, the whole social and economic landscape of the state would have changed and our young people will no longer think of government jobs as their first call. 

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