Prince Ugochukwu Nwanjoku:

The eight-year tenure of Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi of Enugu state still has a little over six months to run out. But the landmark achievements that have been recorded by his administration are such that make it obvious that when the curtain finally falls on his era on May 29, 2023, the people of the state, indeed, Nigerians, would be unanimous in agreement that he has left the state in a developing path.

Meanwhile, as his administration is gradually rounding off, the people of Enugu state has unanimously considered Dr. Peter Ndubuisi Mbah, the candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), as a man perfectly fitted to drive the wheel of the state on industrialization.  This is what they have seen and witnessed that Dr. Mbah came into the race to lion building on a mission to change the status of Enugu state from a predominately civil service to a private sector-driven state that would not only be Nigeria's industrial hub, but would also be a major player in the economy of the West African sub-region.

On his social contract with Ndi-Enugu, he made industrialization a major priority agenda, with focus on making the state less dependent on monthly allocations from Abuja, but one that would be made economically self-reliant by a strong and vibrant private sector. With a rich pedigree that was built by more than a decade of hands-on experience in the private sector, Mbah knew what needed to be done to bring about the transformation of not just the status of the state, but the standard of living of the people as well. He made a firm promise to give the state a new face, and the people, a new lease of life through job creation, wealth creation and poverty alleviation.

'He hope to make Enugu state an investment destination, industrial hub in our economy', the incoming governor had said in one of his project-driven town hall meeting with various development centres in the 68 LGDC in Enugu, in this regard, more energy and vigour will be given to small and medium enterprises to act as drivers of our viable economy. Dr. Mbah will make sure that more adequate and sufficient modern infrastructures facilities are provided which are quite necessary for effective and efficient industrialization. The gubernatorial candidate of the PDP in Enugu state explained how the goal of industrialization would be achieved. "This will be achieved by creating more job opportunities through opening up the state to encourage private investments, creating a welcoming environment for investors, strengthening existing industries and establishing new ones, as well as improving our IGR processes and drive.

It is expected that these, as well as the provision of basic infrastructures, enhancement of security, development of human capital and boosting services in education and health care, will lead to an overall improvement in the living standard of our people. The popular opinion in Enugu state 2023 governorship election suggests that Dr. Peter Ndubuisi Mbah enjoys the trust and confidence of the masses in the state because he is generally known as a man of integrity who makes his word his bond - a virtue most people find lacking in many politicians, especially the highest political office holders. This, they say, is not unconnected with the fact he sees himself more as a servant than politician and a governor to be. Added to this is the fact that he is known to be a deeply religious man. Dr. Mbah is more valuable and considers integrity as everything than he is political.

He is a man that can be trusted, and is also dependable and reliable. He has been able to fulfill most of the targets he rolled out while being in the private sector, and will replicate his magic of the Pinnacle to turn things around in Enugu as the next governor. 

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