By Prince Ugochukwu Nwanjoku 

Peter Mbah is the only way Enugu economy can speed up growth exponentially. Because economic growth is measured by an increase in gross domestic product (GDP) which the candidate of the PDP saw as the combined value of all goods and services produced within a state in a year. Many forces contribute to economic growth. However, Dr. Mbah has proposed numerous factors and ideas that are needed for Enugu economy. 

Dr. Mbah has proposes an an economic masterpiece on how to achieve making the state an economic destination for businesses to thrives. Looking at the policy document on building the state's IGR from the current $4.4 billion to $30 billion with a projection for the next eight years, one can easily consider Enugu state, economic growth to be driven by private sector economy which will advance the consumer spending and business investment. If consumers are buying homes, for example, home builders, contractors, and construction workers will experience economic growth. He will ensure that businesses also drive the economy his administration provides an enabling environment to hire workers, raise wages, and invest in growing small and medium enterprises. His idea of making Enugu an investment destination will trigger companies to buy new manufacturing plants or invest in new technologies to create jobs, spending, which leads to growth in the economy. 

What makes Dr. Mbah an investopedia remain that his administration will help to promote production and business circulation and prosperity. Banks, for example, lend money to companies and consumers. As businesses have access to credit. His administration will finance new production facilities, build industries and empower the citizens to work and earn a standard of living.

The candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) also proposes tax cuts and tax rebates. These are purely designed to put more money back into the pockets of consumers. Ideally, these consumers spend a portion of that money at various businesses' revenues, cash flows, and profits. Having more cash means companies have the resources to produce capital, improve technology, grow, and expand production. All of these actions increase productivity, which grows the economy. Mbah's tax cuts and rebates, proponents argue, allow consumers to stimulate the economy themselves by imbuing it with more money. 

Meanwhile, his action plans will help to stimulating the economy with deregulation. Deregulation here implies relaxing of rules and regulations imposed on an industry or business owners. This forms his administration's centerpiece of economics in the Enugu state under his watch to deregulate several companies, most notably financial institutions. Many economists in Enugu cite that there are lack of regulatory oversight leading up to the financial crisis they face in their business. This is why Peter Mbah is coming with a clear vision to modernize market structure and provide business friendly environment for small businesses to regain their identity.

Dr. Mbah plans to using infrastructure to spur economic growth in the state. This his administration proposes to invest more money to build and reconstruct the physical structures and facilities needed for commerce and society as a whole to thrive. Infrastructure includes roads, bridges, ports, and sewer systems. Dr. Mbah believes that good infrastructures is an economic catalyst for development. For him, top-notch infrastructure increases productivity by enabling businesses to operate as efficiently as possible. For example, when roads and bridges are abundant and in working order, trucks spend less time sitting in traffic, and they don't have to take circuitous routes to traverse waterways. Additionally, infrastructural spending creates jobs as workers must be hired to complete the green lighted projects. Its also capable of spawning new economic growth. For example, construction of a new highway might lead to other investments such as stations retail stores opening to cater to motorists. Going by the economic programmes of Dr. Peter Mbah, one would easily see a man who came prepared for governance. 

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